Please remember that this form does not support emojis, including them will prevent it from being submitted.

Please remember that this Pupdate will be shared publicly and with your puppy's sponsor. It can be written in first person from your pup's point of view or from your perspective. You should be sharing positive, fun, exciting things - not necessarily all training related.

If you would like some examples of what to write, please go to, click on the magnifying glass in the top right corner, and type the name of any PADS dog currently in training. That will take you to their puppy profile and most recent Pupdates!

Please copy your Pupdate text (above) prior to uploading images below to avoid losing your progress. There is an issue where if your photo uploads exceed the cumulative 30MB limit an error message appears which clears your progress and you will need to restart your Pupdate form submission.
Upload Photos

Please upload at least one photo (more are wonderful!) of the pup's activities this month. Due to web restrictions we can only allow a max of 5 per submission (or up to 30MB total)

After you upload your first photo, please
click the "Add another photo" prompt to the bottom right for each photo, to a maximum of five, that you would like to submit.

If you have more images you would like to share, feel free to email them to with the month and the pup's name in the subject line.